Beginner of WIX

I feel like working on a personal website all of a sudden – Thanks to all the user-friendly website builders on internet which allows me to start the project without a hassle!

And this time, exploring on the interface of WIX – even better than Square Space (I believe)

a very prelim draft: (might need a domain in the long run) – stay tuned!

Spring Semester 2014′

Spring Semester 2014

好長既一篇. 就只有Tumblr可以容我記低呢個長氣又CHUM氣的process….

Spring sem對我來說的確是challenging十分. Studio Yangon就是一直走下去, 不會停下來等你. 由Ex.1是Guide Book初次接觸Photoshop & AI, Ex.2 Waterfront device全橙色的Gabron, Ex.3 同Twiggy part既Transect (我花了好多時間去用PS..), Ex.4 的 Group Framework plan, 到最後個人的Site design. 對其他人來說, final project 要交3張 A0的圖是一舨的事 (即是16 x 3張A4放在係你面前), 但對於一個冇背景, 第一日返學連 Plan, section, perspective 都唔係係咩既人, 的確這件事係’不簡單’. 這幾個星期一直都係處於一個’好lar驚’既境界: 我成日反問自己, 究竟我要點開始去ren圖? (ren圖的意思大概係Photoshop一張情景圖出來, 用視覺效果刺激別人的眼球, 令人可以幻想到你個設計的情景); 如果我今日仲未定好個plan, 我係咪會掛掉?

這幾個星期可以說是黎得又快又慢..final的3個星期前, 我們仲係處於一個未知死既mode, 次次pinup都係抱彿腳式’製造’D野比tutor過目.但其實數次的pinup實是浪費時間, 一來因為時間分配得太差,打後present的都得不到很實在的意見, 二來個focus根本放錯位…ivan叫我組做的massing model感覺係白做比佢 .v. 可是我要應付的唔係得你大佬一個..) Easter 過後, 知道自己連design都冇乜頭緒, 都講唔出個重點係咩之時, 知死…最後的2星期過得快到一個地步…studio氣氛都被一股final既氣’長’影響到, 大家變得好緊張, 開始要部住個電腦一搭正12點00秒去book機做model時, 你就知道瀨野啦. 這邊有經驗充足的同學仔同你講佢都好驚唔夠時間做, 那邊的tutor ivan還在改你的design. 這時, 每人不再爭取做最尾一個見tutor, 因為每人都想第一時間見完tutor第一時閒開始晝圖, design一日未定好, 畫不到site plan, 就等如咩都做唔到.

一直都冇adopt ivan既idea, 到最後幾次desk crit, 我決定聽哂佢話 (其實佢ultimately都係想push到我地都到佢心目中既design). 但其實後來諗返, ivan既idea係唔錯, 而也因為佢既push令我會諗下用exisiting既structure去玩個個地方. elevated lawn 及 open public space 就是這樣想出來的, 對比求其晝個噴水池同廣場出來之下, 這個move的確同site有connection更多, 也更容易去解釋. 再比ivan push多push, 森林打通了變成廣場全基於那條main road access, 也有他的想法, 我就是沒有這樣想過…

此時, 對自己的design多了一份信心, 也多了一份投入感, 想把它做好. 結果, 在最後的一星期, 是最難捱的, 也是最productive的. 心痛地破費買了多塊’靚啡咭’也要做好個model, 見有機空出黎說落去cut野. 開始晝好CAD圖, 試用PS晝plan, 用CAD圖做3D模做後其的效果圖同分析圖. 開始只吃外賣M記/宜加/活一鮮(感動可以係studio食到魚生), 也感謝好友們的捱義氣幫忙… deadline最後的數少時走落去打圖, 排隊要等起碼2小時先扲到圖, 幸好說好的lockup不是真正的把課室lockup, 算佢有D人道. 這晚雨下得很大, 黃雨變黑雨, 終於可以回家, 老豆不斷話要接我回家, 那刻除了感動外真的只有感動…

Present當天早上我回studio做埋D process model 放比critics睇. 雖說這些圖都花了好多時間去晝, 但水準不是正比的, 實在有好多地方可以改善. 請教了不少同學仔先知道有更快捷更organise的方式去做呢件事. 當天下午個輪來了幾位猛人作critics, 哈佛GSD的前任dean Prof. Niall Kirkwood & PenU的, 仲有位公司(Halcrow)女代表, 同個不知何方神聖的長髮男. 正如一般的critics, 你不會expect佢地話你個圖邊度靚, 而係他們聽你present完後對這個design的一些見解. GSD說的對是, 我有好多分析都冇做好, which is 完成看穿了我起初沒有做好site analysis, 而佢對樹的見解不也同, 認為vegetation不應只有functional/ ornamental的作用 (which is 係我個site佢地只係用黎cover up住d唔想比人見到既位). 而PenU就覺得我既move太mild? 要是係佢, 佢會選擇保留中間個棟, instead of the one on the right. Halcrow女就說有趣的位係我個design 有enginnering 又有landscape, 但就看不出program/program之間的connectivity. my fault, 因為present時真係比左呢個錯覺人. 從大師們身上聽了好多, 學了好多, 只想說是他們各有一套想法去support自己的argument.

Landscape design 永遠都不可能一步登天, 初步的分析絕不能省略, 因為從這些微細位也許可以會找到你靈感的來源, 而你也有理由去supportfinal design. 說到底, 就係要’講得通’, let your design follows functions instead of forms.

My first cup of Chai Latte


I tried my first-ever cup of Chai Latte dating back to Spring of 2011, in a hidden lovely coffee shop in an alley in Gamla Stan, Stockholm.

What Chai Latte has surprised is the the special and mysterious aroma in it, infusing with tea and spices, lightly sweetened. Perfect. 

The word ‘Chai’ originated from India, meaning ‘Tea in India’. Chai is black tea brewed with  with a combination of spices – cinnamon, ginger, pepper, cloves… and then diluted with milk and sugar.

Homemade Chai Latte would be a good try! 🙂

April is such an exciting month.

HKU MLA Program Admissions 2013

Candidate No. 72317287

Dear Ms SIU Wing Yee

Many thanks for attending the MLA admission interview in Hong Kong on the 4 April.

I am very pleased to inform you that, the Admission Panel will be recommending to the HKU Registry to make you a formal offer of acceptance into the MLA program for the 2013-14 academic year, which starts on 2 September 2013.

This message is advisory and does not constitute a formal offer. Any offer will be subject to final checks by the Registry on your submitted information, and may be subject to conditions. All being well, I hope that it can be sent to you (at your registered address) within the next 2-3 weeks.

Please note that there is a MLA Pre-requisite course, which is a mandatory requirement of all incoming students, to help prepare them for the MLA program. This is a two-week, full time course which will commence in Hong Kong on 19th August 2013. You should make whatever travel, visa accommodation and other arrangements necessary to enable you to be in Hong Kong for this time.

Should you have any queries please contact Ms Patty Lam by email at .

Congratulations and we very much look forward to seeing you in August.

Best regards



And now it’s time to make up my mind.

Sheffield has a good reputation in Landscape Architecture in UK. But the point is graduates will have to work in UK until being chartered (which might takes up to another 5 years…) To be practical – HK might suits me more if I gonna work in HK in the near future – at least I could get more familiar with all those regulations to sit for the exam…

2nd Round of Good News! :-)

Dear Ms Siu,

Application Number: 139506864/1

We are pleased to inform you that you have been made an offer of a place on the MA, Master of Arts, Landscape Architecture, Full Time, 2013 at the University of Sheffield.

A formal letter confirming the offer and detailing any conditions is attached to this email as a PDF file. You can find the University’s formal Terms and Conditions upon acceptance of an Offer on our webpages at If your offer has English language conditions, you can find a list of acceptable English language qualifications on our webpages at

You can let us know if you want to accept or decline your offer by logging back into your application via If you want to apply for University of Sheffield accommodation, you can do so as soon as you have accepted your offer. You can apply online via

As a result of the questions you answered as part of your application, your provisional fee status is Overseas. If we need any more information before we finalise your fee status, we will contact you.

If you need a visa to study in the UK, you will need a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number from the university you want to study at. You can find more information on the CAS application process at Sheffield at

This is an automatically generated email. Please do not reply directly to it. If you have any questions, please Ask Sheffield by following the link below:

If you still need help, visit our Applicant Information Desk:

Best wishes

Admissions Service
The University of Sheffield


Add oil together my friend :-)….Developing my 2012 reflections & 2013 new year resolution as well these days, 但要我認真去寫 what did I gain in 2012 – 的確有點兒…難落筆。


2012 快完結,近日在想,這一年做過什麼值得紀念的事?標誌著2012的事?好似無, 畢業囉, shit 呢一年我做左d咩 ?!

生活過得有幾充實,只有自己知。以前讀書,邊哂諗咁多,讀完一年升班,我的目光極其量放在一年之後。死黨,搞幾個課外活動,開開心心,pretty much sum up 我的paul…

Be original.: Looking forward 2013